Data reporting under REMIT and IIP

  • Data Reporting under REMIT

    BETP ensures the strict compliance with Regulation (EU) No. 1227/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (REMIT), in order to limit insider trading and market manipulation.

    The trades on BETP’s market are subject to reporting to the Agency for the Cooperation between Energy Regulators (ACER). With respect to the obligations of the natural gas traders (the market members) as per Article 8(1) of the REMIT and according to  article 6(1) of Commission implementing Regulation (EU) No. 1348/2014, regarding article 8(2) and (6) of Regulation (EU) No. 1227/2011 (REMIT IR), BETP ensures the capability for providing information to the ACER.

    BETP offers the market members the option to report on their behalf the respective trades on BETP’s electronic platform, as for that purpose, the parties shall have signed an Agreement for Reporting of Data to the ACER, regarding the provision of information, regarding the orders placed and the trades performed. If a market member wishes to sign such an agreement with the BETP, he shall submit a Statement for data reporting to the ACER . The service for reporting data to the ACER shall be charged to the respective market member, according to BETP’s Fees and Taxes.

    According to the requirements of article 9(4) of Regulation (EU) No. 1227/2011, the market members shall be registered with the national regulatory authority / Central European Register of Market Participants (ACER CEREMP) as natural gas traders.

    For more information, please refer to: Guidance on Remit ; Market Member Registration

  • Inside Information Platform

    BETP AD provides an option for publishing of inside information on an Inside Information Platform (IIP), approved and officially registered by ACER (list of IIP platforms authorized by ACER), in accordance with Regulation (EU) № 1227/2011 and Art. 155c. (3) 6 of Regulation № 3 of 21 March 2013 on licensing the activities in the energy sector. All  interested market participants can obtain detailed information about the obligation to publish inside information and the conditions for access to the IIP platform by contacting BETP AD.