BETP AD forms indexes that reflect price levels formed by products traded on the market of BETP:
- Volume Weighted Average Price – VWAP
The index is formed by the total value of each transaction, weighted by the total trading volume. VWAP is formed for the standardised products of the Spot and Forward segments on the market of BETP.
- Reference price – RP
The index is formed according to the of Reference Price Methodology of BEPT AD, in accordance with the Reference Price Procedure of BETP AD. RP is formed for each gas day for the standardised products of the Spot segment on the market of BETP.
- Volume weighted average price for delivery over a calendar month – BETPDMI
The index is formed by the volume weighted average price of all transactions with a delivery period over each calendar month, regardless of the date of their conclusion. BETPDMI is formed for all products of the Spot and Forward segments on the market of BETP and is published on the first business day following each expired calendar month.